Christopher Moore
1890. Vincent Van Gogh est assassiné à Auvers-sur-Oise par un mystérieux dealer de bleu, « l'Homme-aux-Couleurs ». Toulouse-Lautrec mène l'enquête. Il enrôle son ami Lucien Lessard, peintre-boulanger de la butte Montmartre. Mais Lucien n'a qu'une obsession : brosser le portrait de Juliette, muse magnétique, qui vient de lui offrir un tube de bleu très rare...
De sa plume débridée, trempée à l'ultramarine, Christopher Moore signe une fabuleuse comédie qui revisite l'histoire et le Paris de l'impressionnisme. Renoir, Pissarro, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet, Manet, les frères Van Gogh, Gauguin sont victimes d'un piège qui n'est peut-être que celui de l'inspiration. Comment savoir ? Surtout lorsque la muse sort du cadre pour asséner de façon peu académiques ses considérations sur l'art et la manière.
Sacré Bleu dynamite tous les codes, du roman noir au rose, du livre d'art à la saga. Voici le premier roman bleu.
Cahier couleurs (32 p.). -
The birth of Jesus has been well chronicled, as have his glorious teachings, acts, and divine sacrifice after his thirtieth birthday. But no one knows about the early life of the Son of God, the missing years - except Biff, the Messiah's best bud, who has been resurrected to tell the story in this divinely hilarious, yet heartfelt work 'reminiscent of Vonnegut and Douglas Adams' (Philadelphia Inquirer).
Verily, the story Biff has to tell is a miraculous one, filled with remarkable journeys, magic, healings, kung fu, corpse reanimations, demons, and hot babes, Even the considerable wiles and devotion of the Saviour's pal may not be enough to divert Joshua from his tragic destiny. But there's no one who loves Josh more - except maybe 'Maggie,' Mary of Magdala - and Biff isn't about to let his extraordinary pal suffer and ascend without a fight. -
A man of infinite jest, Pocket has been Lear's cherished fool for years, from the time the king's grown daughters - selfish, scheming Goneril, sadistic but hot Regan, and sweet, loyal Cordelia - were mere girls. So he can see trouble brewing when Lear demands that his kids swear their undying love and devotion before a collection of assembled guests. Of course Goneril and Regan are only too happy to brownnose Dad. But Cordelia's blunt honesty ends up costing her her rightful share of the kingdom and earns her a banishment to boot.
The only person who can possibly make things right is Pocket, who has already managed to sidestep catastrophe on numerous occasions, using his razor-sharp mind, rapier wit and the equally well-honed daggers he keeps conveniently hidden behind his back. He's going to have to do some very fancy maneuvering - cast some spells, incite a few assassinations, start a war or two (the usual stuff) - and shag every lusciously shaggable wench who's amenable along the way. Pocket may be a fool . . . but he's definitely not an idiot. -
Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy. A little hapless, somewhat neurotic, more of a Beta than an Alpha Male. Charlie's been lucky, though. He owns a building in the heart of San Francisco, and runs a second-hand store with the help of a couple of loyal, if marginally insane, employees. He's married to a bright and pretty woman who actually loves him for his normality. And she, Rachel, is about to have their first child.
But normal service is about to be interrupted. As Charlie prepares to go home after the birth, he sees a strange man dressed in mint-green at Rachel's hospital bedside - a man who claims that no one should be able to see him. But see him Charlie does, and from here on out, things get really weird. . . .
People start dropping dead around him, giant ravens perch on his building, and it seems that everywhere he goes, a dark presence whispers to him from under the streets. Strange names start appearing on his nightstand notepad, and before he knows it, those people end up dead, too. Yep, it seems that Charlie Asher has been recruited for a new job, an unpleasant but utterly necessary one: Death.
It's a dirty job. But hey, somebody's gotta do it. -
The town psychiatrist has decided to switch everybody in Pine Cove, California, from their normal antidepressants to placebos, so naturally - well, to be accurate, artificially - business is booming at the local blues bar. Trouble is, those lonely slide-guitar notes have also attracted a colossal sea beast named Steve with, shall we say, a thing for explosive oil tanker trucks.
Suddenly, morose Pine Cove turns libidinous and is hit by a mysterious crime wave. A beleaguered constable has to fight off his own gonzo appetites to find out what's wrong and what, if anything, to do about it. -
While some lovers were born to run, Jody and Tommy were born to bite. Well, reborn, that is, now that they're vampires. Good thing theirs is an undying love, since their Goth Girl Friday, Abby Normal, has imprisoned them in a bronze statue. Abby is keen to be one of the undead, too, but first she and her PhD-candidate boyfriend Steve have to deal with the huge vampire cat, Chet, who is stalking the city - and creating his own minions.
And then Jody and Tommy free themselves from the statue and they are NOT happy... -
Jody never asked to become a vampire. But when she wakes up under an alley Dumpster with a badly burned arm, an aching neck, superhuman strength, and a distinctly Nosferatuan thirst, she realises the decision has been made for her. Making the transition from the nine-to-five grind to an eternity of nocturnal prowlings is going to take some doing, however, and that's where C. Thomas Flood fits in. A would-be Kerouac from Incontinence, Indiana, Tommy (to his friends) is biding his time night-clerking and frozen turkey bowling in a San Francisco Safeway.
But all that changes when a beautiful, undead redhead walks through the door ... and proceeds to rock Tommy's life - and afterlife - in ways he never imagined possible. -
Roger: A code word for a gas cylinder and a nickname for rum. Sausage: An observation balloon. Whippet: A small, light type of tank with a top sped of eight m.p.h. The First World War raged for four years, taking with it hundreds of thousands of young soldiers who lived and died together, bonded by the horror of the war. Now, all the way from the trenches and through the letters of Christopher Moore's Captain Cartwright, comes an extraordinary lexicon of the phrases and lingo of life at the front. Whether born from the desperation of gallows humour ('If it keeps on like this, someone's going to get hurt'), borrowed from Cockney rhyming slang, Latin, French and other languages ('Cushy: Comfortable, safe, pleasant. From the Hindustani: khush, pleasure') or even taken from the name of the Huntley and Palmer biscuit company, Tommy had a new word for almost everything. From Ammo to Zig-Zag, this is a fascinating glimpse into the world of our First World War heroes. So fetch the dooly and the other makings, brew up some char, and read on safe in the knowledge that you won't be going over the top today...
Cap-aux-Diamants. No. 119, Automne 2014
Kateri Lalancette, Francois Drouin, Christopher Moore, Christine Chartre, Brigitte Violette, Eugénie Brouillet, Jean-C
- Les Éditions Cap-aux-Diamants inc.
- Cap-aux-Diamants
- 3 Novembre 2014
- 9782924353073
Les Pères de la Confédération désignent les 36 délégués qui ont participé aux conférences de Charlottetown et de Québec en 1864 et de Londres en 1866. Leurs délibérations ont conduit à l'entrée en vigueur de l'Acte de l'Amérique du Nord britannique le 1er juillet 1867 et sont à l'origine de la constitution du Canada actuel. Mais le portrait est-il complet? Y a-t-il d'autres noms à ajouter à cette liste de délégués? Quel rôle leurs épouses ont-elles joué? Devrait-on parler des Mères de la Confédération? Cent cinquante ans plus tard, Cap-aux-Diamants tente de mieux comprendre l'émergence de la Confédération canadienne, et s'attarde spécifiquement sur la Conférence de Québec de 1864.
Persona Studies
Christopher Moore, P. David Marshall, Kim Barbour
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Mars 2019
- 9781118935071
The definitive and first major text on personas in contemporary culture Modern social media and communication technologies have reshaped our identities and transformed contemporary culture, revealing an expanded and intensified reforming of our collective online behavior. Billions of people worldwide are increasingly engaged in the production, presentation, and modification of their public selves-curating personas through various social media and fundamentally altering how we interact in the twenty-first century. The study of persona is essential to understanding contemporary culture, yet literature in this emerging field is scarce. Filling a gap in current knowledge, Persona Studies: An Introduction is the first major work to examine the construction, delivery, and curation of public identities in contemporary online culture. This timely book helps readers navigate the changing cultural landscape while laying the groundwork for further research and application of persona studies. Three case studies are included-examining personas of the artist, gamer, and professional-to illustrate how personas continue to transform identity and reshape contemporary culture. From the historical precursors of the current iteration of persona to emerging configurations of public self, this unique work offers readers a broad introduction to the evolving theories and concepts of how persona defines the contemporary condition and its relation to technology and collective identity. To summarize, the book: Analyzes how identities linked to data are cultivated, curated and mined for various purposes Discusses the mediated blending of media and different types of interpersonal communication Explores tools for the investigation and analysis of persona, including Prosopographic field studies and information visualization Translates new research, concept, theories, methods, and approaches into clear case studies and applications Examines the personalization of public, private, and intimate information in the building of new personas Persona Studies: An Introduction is an innovative resource for students, academics, researchers, and professionals in fields covering digital and social media, technology and culture, mass media and communications, social and media psychology and sociology, and professional studies.
Les Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique. Vol. 16 No. 1-2, Printemps-Automne 2015
Annegret Fauser, Malou Haine, Jacinthe Harbec, Christopher Moore, Fiorella Sassanelli, Anne Legrand, Marie-Therese Lefeb
- Société québécoise de recherche en musique
- 23 Mai 2017
- 9782924803110
Ce numéro double des Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique (SQRM) fait écho à un colloque international tenu en février 2015 à l'Université de Montréal et intitulé « Les musiques franco-européennes en Amérique du Nord (1900-1950) : Étude des transferts culturels ». Quatre textes abordent la pénétration de la musique française de la première partie du XXe siècle à partir de sa réception et de sa représentation médiatique. D'autres contributions mettent plutôt en lumière la manière dont ont été reçus en France les musiciens et la musique américaine. Le jazz, pour son rôle fondamental dans l'affirmation de la culture musicale américaine du XXe siècle, est d'ailleurs dans la mire de plusieurs auteurs. En complément de ce dossier, ce numéro vous propose trois textes s'inscrivant dans une réflexion globale sur le style et sur les échanges divers qui conduisent à son élaboration progressive. Enfin, trois comptes rendus de livres complètent cette livraison des Cahiers.
As a boy growing up in Montana, he was Samson Hunts Alone - until a deadly misunderstanding with the law forced him to flee the Crow reservation at age fifteen. Today he is Samuel Hunter, a successful Santa Barbara insurance salesman with a Mercedes, a condo, and a hollow, invented life.
Then one day, shortly after his thirty-fifth birthday, destiny offers him the dangerous gift of love - in the exquisite form of Calliope Kincaid - and a curse in the unheralded appearance of an ancient Indian god by the name of Coyote. Coyote, the trickster, has arrived to transform tranquillity into chaos, to reawaken the mystical storyteller within Sam ... and to seriously screw up his existence in the process. -
Christopher Moore
- Orbit UK
- 5 Novembre 2009
- 9780748114429
Twas the night (okay, more like the week) before Christmas and little Joshua Barker is in desperate need of a Christmas miracle. Josh is sure he saw Santa take a shovel to the head and now the seven year old has only one prayer: Please Santa, come back from the dead!
But coming to Earth, seeking a small child whose wish needs granting, is none other than Archangel Raziel. Unfortunately, he's not sporting the brightest halo in the bunch and before you can say 'Kris Kringle,' he's botched his sacred mission and sent the residents of Pine Cove headlong into Christmas chaos, culminating in the most hilarious and horrifying holiday party the town has ever seen. -
Being undead sucks. Literally.
Just ask C. Thomas Flood. Waking up after a fantastic night unlike anything he's ever experienced, he discovers that his girlfriend, Jody, is a vampire. And surprise! Now he's one, too. For some couples, the whole biting-and-blood thing would have been a deal breaker. But Tommy and Jody are in love, and they vow to work through their issues.
But word has it that the vampire who initially nibbled on Jody wasn't supposed to be recruiting. Even worse, Tommy's erstwhile turkey-bowling pals are out to get him, at the urging of a blue-dyed Las Vegas call girl named (duh) Blue.
And that really sucks. -
In Christopher Moore's ingenious debut novel, we meet one of the most memorably mismatched pairs in the annals of literature. The good-looking one is one-hundred-year-old ex-seminarian and 'roads' scholar Travis O'Hearn. The green one is Catch, a demon with a nasty habit of eating most of the people he meets.
Behind the fake Tudor façade of Pine Cove, California, Catch sees a four-star buffet. Travis, on the other hand, thinks he sees a way of ridding himself of his toothy travelling companion. The winos, neo-pagans, and deadbeat Lotharios of Pine Cove, meanwhile, have other ideas. And none of them is quite prepared when all hell breaks loose. -
Just why do humpback whales sing? That's the question that has marine biologist Nate Quinn and his crew poking, charting, recording and photographing very big, wet, gray marine mammals. That is, until the extraordinary day when a whale lifts its tail into the air to display a cryptic message spelled out in foot-high letters: BITE ME.
Trouble is, Nate's beginning to wonder if he hasn't spent just a little too much time in the sun. 'Cause no one else saw a thing- not his longtime partner, Clay Demodocus; not their saucy young research assistant; not even the spliff-puffing white-boy Rastaman Kona (ne Preston Applebaum). But later, when a roll of film returns from the lab missing the crucial tail shot- and his research facility is trashed- Nate realizes something very fishy indeed is going on. -
Take a wonderfully crazed excursion into the demented heart of a tropical paradise - a world of cargo cults, cannibals, mad scientists, ninjas, and talking fruit bats. Our bumbling hero is Tucker Case, a hopeless geek trapped in a cool guy's body, who makes a living as a pilot for the Mary Jean Cosmetics Corporation. But when he demolishes his boss's pink plane during a drunken airborne liaison, Tuck must run for his life from Mary Jean's goons.
Now there's only one employment opportunity left for him: piloting shady secret missions for an unscrupulous medical missionary and a sexy blond high priestess on the remotest of Micronesian hells.
Here is a brazen, ingenious, irreverent, and wickedly funny novel from a modern master of the outrageous. -
Bangkok Noir
John Burdett, Christopher g. Moore, Colin Cotterill
- GOPE Editions
- 12 Septembre 2017
- 9791091328517
Par-delà le sourire thaï et le waï plein de grâce, s'étend un paysage ravagé par la violence, un monde où le fait de perdre la face et le jeu des rivalités entraînent presque toujours une issue fatale, où aucun présage n'annonce le danger qui, la plupart du temps, est invisible, voire inimaginable. Survolez au grand jour la surface de Bangkok, et le monde du noir vous semblera à des années-lumière. Cette surface est raffinée, agréable et amusante. Mais creusez plus profondément, et le paradis tropical cédera la place à un purgatoire froid et enténébré, peuplé d'âmes en peine - des âmes échouées, cabossées et ostracisées. Les durs à cuire, les flics honnêtes comme les véreux, les ratés, les tourmentés, les petites gens comme les plus puissants, les transsexuels et les épouses secondaires, les expatriés et les créatures de l'au-delà, tous trouvent leur place dans Bangkok Noir. Mais le coeur de ce recueil, ce sont les doutes existentiels qui rongent les personnages.
The Fourth Edition of a seminal work in the field of mediation and conflict resolution For almost thirty years, conflict resolution practitioners, faculty, and students have depended on The Mediation Process as the all-inclusive guide to the discipline. The most comprehensive book written on mediation, this text is perfect for new and experienced conflict managers working in any area of dispute resolution-family, community, employment, business, environmental, public policy multicultural, or international. This is the expert's guide, and the Fourth Edition has been expanded and revised to keep pace with developments in the field. It includes new resources that will promote excellence in mediation and help disputants reach durable agreements and enhance their working relationships. Includes expanded information on the latest approaches for providing mediation assistance Features comprehensive guidelines for selecting the right strategy for both common and unique problems Utilizes updated, contemporary case studies of all types of disputes Offers expanded coverage of the growing field and practice of intercultural and international mediation
À l'occasion du procès des Khmers rouges qui va commencer à Phnom Penh, Sam Rith renoue contact avec Tony Collins, un correspondant de guerre américain avec qui il s'était lié d'amitié trente ans auparavant. Alors réfugié dans un camp en Thaïlande, cet adolescent, déjà ex-enfant-soldat de l'Angkar et ex-cannibale, devra encore connaître la prison aux États-Unis, où il avait été adopté, avant d'être renvoyé au Cambodge. Sam, qui fait ce qu'il a toujours su faire, survivre dans un milieu hostile et vaincre le sort, entame un nouveau chapitre de sa vie comme interprète pour la presse internationale et comme témoin des horreurs de la guerre. Dans « Retrouvailles », l'amitié, l'instinct de survie, le désespoir, le hasard, l'imposture et un passé qui ne meurt jamais se télescopent dans la quête de deux hommes qui recherchent la rédemption, dans un pays qui ne sait se décider entre le devoir de justice et la préférence pour la paix.
Originaire du Canada, Christopher G. Moore est un écrivain et éditeur établi à Bangkok depuis 1988. Il est l'auteur de la série de romans policiers « Vincent Calvino » ainsi que de la trilogie « Land of Smiles » qui ont reçu plusieurs récompenses internationales. Traduit en une douzaine de langues, Christopher est aussi l'instigateur du recueil « Bangkok Noir » paru en français aux éditions Gope. Nouvelle traduction. -
Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation
Christopher W. Moore, Peter J. Woodrow
- Jossey-Bass
- 12 Février 2010
- 9780470573426
Praise for Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation "In today's globalized world, few competencies are as essential as the ability to negotiate across cultures. In this insightful and practical book, Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow draw on their extensive global experience to help us understand the intricacies of seeking to reach intercultural agreements and show us how to get to a wise yes. I recommend it highly!" William Ury coauthor, Getting to Yes, and author, The Power of a Positive No "Rich in the experience of the authors and the lessons they share, we learn that culture is more than our clothing, rituals, and food. It is the way we arrange time, space, language, manners, and meaning. This book teaches us to understand our own culture so we are open to the other and gives us practical strategies to coordinate our cultural approaches to negotiations and reach sustainable agreements." Meg Taylor compliance advisor/ombudsman of the World Bank Group and former ambassador of Papua New Guinea to the United States of America and Mexico "In a globalized multicultural world, everyone from the president of the United States to the leaders of the Taliban, from the CEO of Mittal Steel to the steelworkers in South Africa, needs to read this book. Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow have used their global experience and invented the definitive tool for communication in the twenty-first century!" Vasu Gounden founder and executive director, ACCORD, South Africa "Filled with practical advice and informed by sound research, the Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation brings into one location an extraordinary and comprehensive set of resources for navigating conflict and negotiation in our multicultural world. More important, the authors speak from decades of experience, providing the best book on the topic to date?a gift to scholars and practitioners alike." John Paul Lederach Professor of International Peacebuilding, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame
Exploring Discourse in Context and in Action
Jonathan Crichton, Christopher N. Candlin, Stephen H. Moore
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 30 Mars 2017
- 9781137315069
This book combines an authoritative examination of the field of discourse-based research with practical guidance on research design and development. The book is not prescriptive but instead invites expansive, innovative thinking about what discourse is, why it matters to people at particular sites and how it can be investigated. The authors identify a set of questions that, they argue, are crucial for understanding discourse. Part I of the book explores the implications of these questions, providing a comprehensive survey of relevant scholars, theories, concepts and methodologies. Part II addresses these implications, setting out a multi-perspectival approach to resourcing and integrating micro and macro perspectives in the description, interpretation and explanation of data. Part III offers wide-ranging resources to support further reflection and future research. Ultimately, this book offers a new research approach for students, researchers and practitioners in Applied Linguistics toencourage and support research that can be truly impactful through its relevance to social and professional practice.
Chemistry All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
John T. Moore, Peter J. Mikulecky, Christopher R. Hren
- For Dummies
- 24 Octobre 2022
- 9781119908333
Everything you need to crush chemistry with confidence Chemistry All-in-One For Dummies arms you with all the no-nonsense, how-to content you'll need to pass your chemistry class with flying colors. You'll find tons of practical examples and practice problems, and you'll get access to an online quiz for every chapter. Reinforce the concepts you learn in the classroom and beef up your understanding of all the chemistry topics covered in the standard curriculum. Prepping for the AP Chemistry exam? Dummies has your back, with plenty of review before test day. With clear definitions, concise explanations, and plenty of helpful information on everything from matter and molecules to moles and measurements, Chemistry All-in-One For Dummies is a one-stop resource for chem students of all valences. Review all the topics covered in a full-year high school chemistry course or one semester of college chemistry Understand atoms, molecules, and the periodic table of elements Master chemical equations, solutions, and states of matter Complete practice problems and end-of-chapter quizzes (online!)Chemistry All-In-One For Dummies is perfect for students who need help with coursework or want to cram extra hard to ace that chem test.